We need your help as Indiana is facing unprecedented humanitarian challenges. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies are beyond peak demand with massive shortages, and we are forced into a situation of non-traditional production. We are ramping up our manufacturing lines to support the shortage of protective fabric masks for Community Health Centers, child care centers for families of first responders, and long-term care facilities. We can make an impactful difference, but we need your help. We are asking for monetary and material donations. Your monetary donation will support our existing operations and expansion as the demand for protection continues to scale. Click here to make a monetary donation. Our masks have been approved by Community Health Network and HealthNet. We are seeking donations for tightly-woven, 100% cotton fabric and 1/8" to 1/4" elastic. Your donations will positively impact first responders, their families, and at-risk communities across Indiana.
Materials can be dropped off at our studio on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am - noon. Our address is 160 Steeples Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46222. If you need to schedule a different time or have any questions, please email us at shop@peopleup.org.
Thank you to our community partners Crimson Tate, Pattern, and all our stitchers for donating their time.
We are People for Urban Progress. We are in this together. Thank you for your support.